- We found him crying yesterday. 昨天我们发现他在哭。
- We found him waiting for us at the station. 我们看到他在车站等我们。
- The dark found him crying in the street. 黄昏时人们发现他在街上哭泣。
- Dusk found him crying in the street. 黄昏时他在街上哭泣。
- We found him to be the right sort of timber. 我们发现他是真正的人才。
- We found him a good comrade to work with. 我发现他是一个好共事的好同志。
- We found him lying at the gate dead drunk. 我们发现他躺在大门口,醉得不省人事。
- We found him the right man for the job . 我们觉得他是干这项工作最合适的人选。
- I found him crying his eyes out(= crying very much). 我看他哭得很伤心。
- We found him work more suited to his abilities. 我们给他找到了更适合他的能力的工作。
- We found him lying dead on the floor. 我们发现他躺在地板上死了。
- When we arrived ,we found him in bed. 我们到达时,发现他睡在床上。
- When we found him,he was at the gate of death. 当我们找到他的时候,他已是奄奄一息了。
- We found him dead to the wide on the floor. 我们找到他时,他正在地板上呼呼大睡。
- We found him friendly and cooperative. 我们感到他是友好的,乐于合作的。
- We found him well informed on American affairs. 我们发现他对美国情况很了解。
- We found him huddled on the floor. 我们发现他蜷缩在地板上。
- We found him a suitable man for the job. 我们发现他就是这工作的合适人选。
- We found him at his book in the library. 我们发现他在图书馆看书。
- We found him easy to get along with. 我们发现他是个很好相处的人。